Saturday, November 22, 2008

SEO tips-maximizing keyword and writing good articles

seo tipsHere i'll share some tips for you, about write contents that your readers need as well as can will reward by search engine.

Did you know why a search engine rank your site above all the others in its field?
In fact, search engines attempt to rank the very best sites with the most relevant content first in their results, and until your site's content is the best in its field, you will always struggle against the engines rather than bringing them to your door step.
It's in content quality that a site's true potential shows through, and although search engines cannot measure the likelihood that users will enjoy a site, the vote via links system operates as a proxy for identifying the best content in a market. With great content, therefore, come great links and, ultimately, high rankings. Deliver the content that readers need, and the search engines will reward your site.

It's mean don't forget SEO technique ,but just forget being number 1, about number 1 or not just give to search engine algorithm, tha's will base on luck of your keyword in emulation with other sites

The better plan is to devote or write your pages for your visitor ,not for search engine, then consider each relative to your keyword list as there's in meta tag. and you may find a couple that will rank pretty well with a given keyword just as written, if needed, edit the title and description tags to more emphasize your keyword in content.
So, before you write articles, you can look at your keyword list and select one or two you can use repeatedly while covering a topic of interest to your readers/visitors ,and build your great contents

Usually the search engine crawling to your site as following;
- The content oft he title tag is to be the Title used in search engine listing. Thus it's mandatory that it be a headline that draws readers into your description, and while holding firmly to this objective, use the keyword as close to the beginning of the title as possible.
- The content of the Description tag is to be what the search engines will use in listing. Here the objective is to assure the searcher clicks to your site. this is pure advertising copy it must compel the searcher to the click link.
- In the body of the page, use the keyword in H1 tag at the top of the page, and in sub headings as possible, and position the keyword as close as possible to the beginning of each statemen. But remember your readers will read this content. Avoid awkward statements created in hopes of making search engine spiders happy.
- You may use the keyword as often you can ,but don't bothering comfort read of your readers .In my experiences, to get good results from searching of search engine when in an artilce used 5% to 10% of main keyword.
- Within keyword meta tag ,search engine prefer to natural and simple keywords and don't in repeating, for example ;

Good meta tag
<meta name="keywords" content="celebrity gossip,entertainment news, actress wallpapers and photos ">
<meta name="description" content="Site about entertainment,celebrity gossip, and wallpapers">

Wrong meta tag
<meta name="keywords" content="busby,seo, test, challenge,seo tes,seo busby , busby seo ">
<meta name="description" content="Site provides celebrity gossip,celebrity wallpapers, celebrity photos,celebrity hot">

That's at wrong meta tag, words of seo and busby always repeated and not natural ,.Keyword like celebrity,gossip, actress, wallpapers are not natural and can be assumed as spam by search engine
visit seo tips in indonesian belajar seo ,language

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